Di Tait’s Coptic Book Binding Workshop
Coptic binding is an old and well recognised style. The main feature of this binding is that the book opens flat so it is easy to use as a journal or drawing surface.
About the artist: Diane Tait is a Sunshine Coast book and paper artist. She has been teaching this art form for the past five years. Her work has been exhibited in Brisbane, Boondall, Lismore and in local galleries where she also sells her handmade books and journals.
Ladies enjoyed two days of Journal Making with the Coptic Binding Method.
Up to six Journals were made by each person & they are all very keen to make more, if the technique stays in our minds for the next time.
Well Done Ladies, the books look fabulous & we were very lucky to have three ladies from Yeppoon enjoy the weekend with us.
Thankyou Di & everyone for attending and I look forward to seeing these lovely journals showcased in the future.
Wow, what a great effort by everyone! Well done Ladies! Looks like you all had a great day!