Date: 19th April, 2008
Time: Set up 9. 15 am
Start 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
- Lunch -
Resume 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm
Venue: TBC
Cost: $40
Payment due 12th April!
Cheque, money order or cash to Kym Simms. Early payment confirming your attendance.
Maximum 12 participants.
Shared morning tea, something small. Everyone can bring along their lunch or
leave for lunch. Tea & Coffee provided. Water bottle needed.
The workshop is designed around various theories of drawing which have been drawn
together by a practising artist who is head of an art department at New York
University, John Torreono. The ideas are not new.
Briefly, the approach taken varies from the traditional in that it aims at
assisting drawers to see the subject in a different way. The outline of the workshop
is as follows:
• Brian will take the drawings completed beforehand as a basis for understanding
where the artist is. As far as I am concerned in this exercise there is no good or bad drawing. Without reference to any particular drawing, I shall discuss matters we should be aware of in the drawing process and point out some desirable features in an effective drawing. Guided practice.
• Next Brian will focus on the line itself and, using the drawings of some masters,
Picasso, Matisse and others who used the line very effectively, to indicate the nature of the constancy of line and its importance.
Guided practice.
Drawing by Seeing “Gestalt” approach to a drawing.
Tutor—Brian Kehoe Art Teacher Emu Park & Rockhampton
Techniques by John Torreano (Artist & Lecturer)
Any questions about the workshop or requirements
Contact:- Kym Simms - Email:
• At this stage Brian will demonstrate how, in drawing a subject, we might overcome the tendency to draw from part to part and take a more holistic approach (going from the whole to the part rather than going from the part to the whole). This will also include ideas as to how the artist could more easily reduce the three dimensional subject to two dimensions. More practice.
Presuming there is time Brian will progress to the making of marks (as distinguished from line) and using Van Gogh as a model, show how drawers could learn a great deal from the elegance and variety of marks in the works of that master. Even more practice.
Brian intends to have supplementary notes available. The topics Brian has indicated are only a portion of the theories attributed to Torreano but thinks those outlined will be sufficient to keep us busy. Perhaps another workshop would be desirable later in the year. What is required takes only twenty minutes.
Intending participants are requested to take a sheet of cartridge paper (about A3 size), and with a 2B pencil, complete a drawing of a kitchen chair, if possible, an old wooden one. In this exercise there is no such thing as a good or a bad drawing and no marks out of 10. Restrict yourself to 20 minutes.* Most important of all, bring it to the workshop :)(The drawing not the chair.)
MATERIALS required for the workshop:
• Bring your own cartridge paper otherwise there will be Cartridge paper available at the workshop
• Sticks of vine charcoal (not the compressed type). The best are the thicker type, about ten to a box. At least one stick per person. Soft charcoal (not compressed) available at Biloela newsagents, MiArt Rockhampton or Gladstone Picture Framing on Central Lane. Not real thin, pencil size thickness.
• One Faber Castell kneadable eraser .(other brands are not suitable for the purpose.)
• A supply of 2B pencils.
• Easel
• Notebook
• Camera
• Lots of enthusiasm
To bring along for subject matter it would be good to have a few capsicums, a few bananas, an odd chair or two, a few large leafy pot plants of various types, a variety of odds and ends which are good to draw, and, for later in the workshop,
someone to sit or stand as a model. (Anyone interested to let Kym know!!)